*Tattoo the Wicked Cross, NY: Grove Press, 1967. Paperback, 1968. Novel.
* Le Barqarreur, Paris: Editions Stock, 1969, translation of Tattoo the Wicked Cross. Novel
* Tatuaje Indeleble, Barcelona: Luis de Caralt Edition novel, 1971,translation of Tattoo the Wicked Cross. Novel.
*Tattoo the Wicked Cross, Sagaponack, NY: Second Chance Press, 1981.Paperback, 1982. Novel, republished.
*Tattoo the Wicked Cross, Zagreb, Croatia: Profil International, 2003. Paperback, Novel.
*What Now My Love, NY: Grove Press, 1970. Paperback, 1971.
*What Now My Love, London: New Writers 10, Calder and Boyars, 1971. Novel.
*What Now My Love, Tokyo: Hayakawa, 1972. Translation of What Now My Love. Novel.
*What Now My Love, Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994. Paperback. Novel, republished.
*Lay My Body On The Line, Berkeley: Y’Bird Press, 1978. Novel.
*Pussy Pussy Everywhere: A Voyeur’s Delight, Berkeley: Tough Titty Press, 1980. Chapbook.
*Buffalo Nickel, Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1992. Memoir.
*State of Emergency, Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. Novel.
*Color of My Living Heart, Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1996. Poetry.
*Love Bites: Poetry in Celebration of Dogs and Cats: Mad Dog Publishing, 2006. Poetry.
Anthology Editor:
Word Hustlers, ed. by Floyd Salas, Word Hustlers Press, Berkeley, 1976.
To Build A Fire, ed. by Floyd Salas, California Syllabus, Oakland, 1976.
Stories and Poems from Close to Home, ed. and with an introduction by Floyd Salas, Ortalda & Associates, Berkeley, 1986.
“Buddies & Bad Actors,” Forgotten Pages of American Literature, ed. with an introduction by Gerald Haslam, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1971, pp. 198-217.
“Romantic, If you Want to Call It That” (introduction), I Write What I Want, Poetry in the School California, 1974, pp. iii-v.
“Dead Time,” Chicano Voices, ed. with an introduction by Carlota
Cardenas de Dwyer, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1975, pp. 126-132.
“Steve Nash” (poem), Calafia: The California Poetry, ed. with a preface by Ishmael Reed, Y’Bird Books, Berkeley, 1979, pp. 287-293.
‘The Politics of Poetry” (poem), pp. 117-120, “Dead Lion or Live Dog: The Artist in American Society – Some Reflections on the Suicide ofRichard Brautigan” (essay), pp. 225-235. “Steve Nash” (poem), pp. 297-302, “Kid Victory” (short story), pp. 491-509. Stories and Poems from Close to Home, ed. and with an introduction by Floyd Salas, Ortalda & Associates, Berkeley, 1986.
“Brothers Keepers: Buckeye and Boomtown,” California Childhood, ed. with an introduction by Gary Soto, Creative Arts, Berkeley, 1988., pp. 7-18.
“Buffalo Nickel, Chapters 1 and 9,” Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United States, ed. by Nicolas Kanellos, Arte Publico Press,Houston, 1993, pp. 209-222.
“Cathedral” (essay), A Free Library in This City: The Illustrated History of the San Francisco Public Library, ed. by Peter Booth Wiley, Weldon Owen, San Francisco, 1996, p 114.
“To Sergie My Sweet Old Dog Who Died In Old Age,” (poem) and “Wyoming Is An Indian Name” (poem). Many Californias: Literature from the Golden State, ed. by Gerald W. Haslam. University of Nevada Press, Reno, 1992, pp. 195-199. Reprinted in 1999, pp. 193-197.
“Once I Was Blind and Now I Can See,” (essay), Perspectives on Raging Bull, ed. and with an introduction by Steven G. Kellman, G.K. Hall & Co., An Imprint of Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1994, pp. 136-140.
“The Water Tower” and “The Boxing Match” (excerpts from Buffalo Nickel), Hispanic American Literature, ed. by Nicolas Kanellos, HarperCollins College Publishers, 1995, pp. 14-25.
“Stealing” (excerpt from Buffalo Nickel), Cross-Roads: Classic Themes in Young Adult Literature, forward by Robert Cormier, ScottForesman, 1995, pp. 274-281.
“Kid Victory” (story), The Floating Borderlands: Twenty-Five Years of Hispanic Literature, ed. by Lauro Flores, University of Washington Press: Seattle, Washington, 1998, pp. 62-74.
“Kid Victory,” (short story), The Hispanic Literary Companion, ed. by Nicolas Kanellos, Visible Ink Press, Detroit, Michigan, 1997, pp. 292-307.
from “Buffalo Nickel” (memoir excerpt), Under The Fifth Sun: Latino Literature From California, ed. by Rick Heide, Heyday Books, Berkeley, 2002, pp. 476-480.
“Elegy To A Betrayer By An Outlaw Prophet” (poem) and “When Elephants Fight, The Grass Suffers” (essay), September 11: West Coast Writers Approach Ground Zero, ed. by Jeff Meyers, Hawthorne Books, Portland, 2002, pp. 213-222.
“God and The City” (poem), Words Upon the Waters: A Poetic Response to Hurricane Katrina by Bay Area Writers and Artists, ed. Karla Brundage, Jukebox Press, Oakland, California, 2006, pp. 32-33.
“VJ Day” (novel excerpt), Oakland’s Neighborhoods, compiled by Erika Mailman, Mailman Press, Oakland, California, 2005, pp. 54-59.
“Specters of the Ghosts We Once Were,” (poem), Oakland Out Loud: Poetry and Prose in Celebration of ‘There,” ed. by Kim Schuck and Karla Brundage, Jukebox Press, 2007, Oakland, California, pp. 3-4.
“To Sergie My Sweet Old Dog Who Died In Old Age,” (poem), Califauna: A Literary Field Guide, ed. by Terry Beers and Emily Elrod, Heyday Books, Berkeley, 2007, pp. 90-92.
“Confessions of an Outlaw Writer” (interview), How To Become A Famous Writer Before You’re Dead, Ariel Gore, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2007, pp. 84-90.
“Wild Green Grass” (poem), Cadence of Hooves: A Celebration of Horses, ed. by Susan Jantz, Yarroway Mountain Press, Igo, California, 2007, p.322.
“Manny,” (novel excerpt), Pow Wow: Charting the Faultlines in the American Experience: Short Fiction From Then to Now, ed. by Ishmael Reed with Carla Blank, Da Capo Press, 2009, pp. 358-367.
“A Black-Lipped Bird” (poem), Transfer 10, San Francisco State University, 1960, p. 23.
“First Novelists” (article), NY: Library Journal, June 1, 1967.
“The Kings X,” Evergreen Review, No. 48, August, 1967.
“Writing a First Novel” (article), Boston: The Writer, April, 1968.
“What Now My Love,” Berkeley Barb, Vol. 10, No. 15, Issue 234, Feb. 6- 12, 1970. Novel excerpt. pp. 11-13, 15.
“Notes on a Second Novel” (article), Boston, The Writer, Feb., 1971.
“Love Needs Care” (review), California’s Health, July, 1971. p. 14, con’t. on p. 16.
“Honey & Tea” (poem), The San Francisco Bark: A Gathering of Bay Area Poets, Thorp Springs Press, Berkeley, California, 1972, p. 52.
“Be My Valentine” (poem), Hyperion, Thorp Springs Press, Berkeley, California, Vol. 2, Issues 3 & 4, Winter/Spring 1972.
“Poetry in Spanish: Verse as a Force for Change” (review), Peninsula Living, January 6, 1973.
“Color of My Living Heart” (poem), The Left Bank, April, 1975, p. 20.
“Songs of Rage: Poems for the SLA” (review), Berkeley Barb, May 16-22, 1975, p. 19.
“A New Durrell? Blacks in An Alien Land” (review), Berkeley Barb, October 3-9, 1975.
“Mr. Skiles Is A Really Fine Man” (story),Y’Bird Magazine, Vol. One, Number One, ed. by Ishmael Reed and Al Young, Berkeley, 1977. pp. 165-67.
“A Short Note on Poetics” (essay) and “To Sergie My Sweet Old Dog Who Died in Old age” (poem), Holy Earth, Santa Cruz, California, 1982.
“Exhibit A: Censorship, Female Fascism and Pussy Pussy Everywhere” (essay), Quilt 4. ed. by Ishmael Reed and Al Young, Berkeley, 1984, 126-141.
“Mr. Skiles Is A Really Fine Man,” (short story), “The Politics of Poetry,” (poem), Transfer Fifty, Commemorative Issue, A Magazine of Creative Writing at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Fall, 1985. pp. 101-103.
“Prison Poetry” (article), National Poetry Week II Festival Folio and Program Guide, October 14, 1988.
“The Censor (poem),” Box of Words, Issue 1:1, November/December 1988
“Downstream from Trout Fishing in America” (review), Western American Literature 24.3, November 1989, pp. 287-288.
“The Sorrow and the Glory: Publishing Student Work” (article), California English, Vol. 25, No. 5, November/December 1989, pp. 12-13.
“Richard Brautigan” (essay), Konch, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter, 1990, pp. 29-33.
“Fandango,” Nine Items or Less, No. 3, Spring, 1990, pp. 20-27.
“Hardscrub” (review), Western American Literature, Vol. 26, No. 2, August, 1991, pp. 182-3.
“Baby Ruth” and “Kid Victory” (stories), The Americas Review, Vol. 21, Fall-Winter 1993, Nos. 3-4, pp. 14-34.
“Wedo” (poem), Blue Mesa Review, No. 4, Spring 1992, pp.75-76.
“Leaving the Gang Behind: Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A. – A Memoir,” (review), Los Angeles Times, March 7, 1993, p. 2 Book Review.
“The Ring is an Altar on Which Man Wins: The ecstasy of boxing in Tijuana” (article), San Diego’s Weekly Reader, September 16, 1993, pp. 16-29.
“Con Job: What Prison Writer Dannie Martin Doesn’t Tell Us” (review), San Diego’s Weekly Reader, February 3, 1994, pp. 34-37.
“Gentleness: Through the Looking Glass with Cross-Dressers (article) with Claire Ortalda, San Diego’s Weekly Reader, Vol. 23, No. 25, June 23, 1994, p 1., con’t. on pp 14-29.
“The Politics of Poetry: (article and poem), San Diego’s Weekly Reader, May 18, 1995, pp. 62-63.
“Love in the Time of Cholera: (review), Bay Area Writing Project Newsletter, Summer, 1995, p. 4, con’t. on p. 6.
“Claire” (poem), Seeds Sown by Salas, California Literature Travel Study Program, 1995, pp. 12-13.
“Buffalo Nickel” (novel excerpt), Walrus Review, Issue 1, November, 1996, pp. 3-4.
“Capturing the Unknown Self: Writing a Spontaneous Poem” (article), The Writer, March, 1999, pp. 10-13.
“50 Over 50: The Chronicle List of American Writers in Their Prime” (section of larger article), San Francisco Chronicle, November 19, 2000, Book Review section, p. 8.
“Pot & Poetry” (essay excerpt), Brazos River Review, College Station, Texas, April, 2001. pp. 36-40.
“A Look At CPITS History: Reflections of the Early Director” (article), Imaginari: California Poets in the Schools Newsletter, 40th Anniversary Issue, Vol. 11, No. 3, Winter, 2004-5, p. 4
“Gin for Christmas” (novel excerpt), Asili: The Journal of Multicultural Heartspeak, Vol VI-2, April/May/June 2006, ASILI/VOLUMES/vol%VI-2/Floyd%20Salas.html
“When Shadows Fall Like Drapes Across the Living Room Floor” (poem), Digital Paper, Issue Three: Shoes, Winter, 2007, www.bayareawriting project. org/digitalpaper
“The Secret Sound of My Blood Seeping (poem),” Ishmael Reed’s Konch Magazine, Fall, 2008.
“Color of My Living Heart” (poem), First Leaves, 2009, Santa Rosa, California, pp. 102-103
“Faces” (line drawings), First Leaves, 2009, Santa Rosa, California, p. 6, 33, 45, 64, 109.
“Six Rogues by Floyd Salas” (line drawings), Digital Paper, Issue 9, August, 2009,
“Sheep in Weed Bristles” (poem) and “After She Has Packed and Gone” (poem), Berkeley Poetry Review, University of California, Berkeley, Issue 40, 2009, pp. 66-67.
“Color Of My Living Heart” (poem), PoetryBay: An Online Poetry Magazine for the 21st Century, Fall, 2009,
“Something Hangs About Us,” “Last Tango in Paris,” “Mouth to Mouth,” “Love Letter” and “This Is the Heart of the Apple,” (poems), PoetryMagazine, Summer 2010 Featured Poet,
“El Viento” (short story), Puentes: Literatura Mexicana y Chicana: Cien Años de Revolución, Numero 8, Invierno 2010, Tempe, AZ, pp. 160-174.
“The Censor” (poem), Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts, ed. by Daniel Yaryan, Vol. 2, Issue 1, June 4, 2011, p. 115.
“A Day at the Dog Park” (poem), Digital Paper, Issue 13, July, 2011, http://digitalpaper.
“Ishmael Reed” (essay), The 2011 Barbary Coast Award, McSweeney’s Publishing, San Francisco, California, pp. 10-12.
“Wedo” (poem), Phati’tude Literary Magazine, Vol. 3, No 4. Winter, 2012, “What’s In A Nombre?: Writing Latin@ Identity in America,” p. 196.
“Darkness Come Down” (memoir), Contrappasso Magazine, Issue 1, August, 2012, pp. 7-15.
“Kaleidoscope Of An Assassination in Black and White” (poem), Eleven Eleven: A Journal of Literature and Art, Issue 13, 2012, pp. 133-142.
*Numerous other poems, essays, articles on writing and book reviews.